Susan Nesbit B.A. (Can. Hist.), B.A.Sc. (Chem. Eng.) PhD (Chem. Eng.), P.Eng.(ret.)
Susan is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia, where she has focussed on the development and delivery of engineering-for-sustainability knowledge and skills. She has co-authored 14 peer-reviewed publications and presented 27 conference papers. She also co-authored UBC’s sustainability graduating attributes, is the inaugural senior sustainability fellow at UBC, and was instrumental in establishing UBC’s new undergraduate Environmental Engineering degree programme. She is a past co-director of the Masters of Engineering Leadership program in Urban Systems at UBC, and partnered with the Natural Asset Initiative in developing guidelines on natural asset management for practicing engineers, and creating natural asset management learning material for engineering students. After retiring in 2022, Susan began “The Garry Project”, an on-going Garry oak meadow ecosystem restoration initiative that also aims at encouraging citizen engagement in environmental stewardship. More info about Dr. Nesbit.